What’s Up Unity Tuesday
Join us to hear What is Up and the opportunity to have your questions answered
on the First Tuesday of the month.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 819 5467 3594Passcode: 534533
Ongoing Events
Metaphysical Lent Discussion Group:
Every Thursday until Easter from 2:00 – 3:30 pm
in the Spiritual Centre, Comox.
Discover the value of having a Lenten practice. Join the discussion as we use the Unity Lent booklet for inspiring and challenging teachings. If you are curious about how to use the spiritual teachings of Lent in your own life, please join us - everyone welcome, drop in. Facilitated by Rev Vicki Everyone welcome.
The Comox Unity Community meets in the Lion's Den,
1729 Comox Road
Join us in Comox - once a month
We are Gathering In Person on Easter Sunday:
Easter Sunday April 20 - 10:30 am
Upcoming Sunday Gatherings in Comox:
Mother's Day - Sunday May 11 - 10:30 am
Father's Day - Sunday June 15 - 10:30 am
Prayer Circle Gathering
Upcoming Prayer Circles:
March 25 and April 8 at NEW TIME 10:30 am
at 1729 Comox Ave. (rear) entrance off Nordin St.
Both the Spiritual Centre and the
Lion's Den are located here
Questions: Judi Murakami 250-218-5431 or judimm@shaw.ca
Unity Vancouver Island, Comox Valley Community
Spiritual Enrichment and Activities Team
Rev. Vicki Vanderhorst, Heather Hodge, Judi Murakami.