
I CAN!!!

I DO!!!


At Unity Vancouver Island we use Positive Affirmations
to Create a Happier Life

Aren't ALL affirmations positive?  The word implies this; to affirm is to positively state.  But many of us positively state negative things.  How often have you told yourself (or been told) that you aren't strong enough or popular enough or creative enough or assertive enough or compliant enough.  Those are negative affirmations and our subconscious mind will respond to them just as much as to positive ones.  Thoughts that we think repeatedly tend to carve a little channel in our minds so that all our thoughts tend to take that easy route - just like water conforms to the river bed.  We must divert our thoughts by repeatedly thinking positive thoughts about ourselves, about others and about our world.

This is the very basic teaching of New Thought and of Unity Vancouver Island; our thoughts are creative, even the thoughts we don't realize we're thinking. Our thoughts are creative, as our are beliefs, intentions and expectations

Use daily affirmations to
Help overcome stress, anxiety and self-doubt
Build self-esteem, self-love and belief in yourself
Attract love, success and prosperity

Affirmations are an effective way to consciously use The Law of Attraction; what we focus on, we not only attract into our lives, but we are attracted to that which we focus upon.

How to Write an Effective Affirmation

A positively stated affirmation follows the 3 P's Possible, Plausible, Probable

Make it Personal   It really is all about you.  You are the only one who can make changes in your life and you are, ultimately, the only thing you can change.  If your affirmation insists on being about somebody else, have it be about your response to somebody else.  Use I am statements. 

Make it Present  In the physical, material world, there is time and space.  On the Spiritual plane, the plane of Mind, there is only the eternal Now. So state your affirmations in the present tense, as already so.   Include the word "now" in your affirmation.

Make it Positive  Here's another set of 3 P's:  Possible, Plausible, Probable.  Make your affirmation believable; otherwise that little "voice-under" will say, "oh, yeah? Who do you think you're kidding?"  Take it in steps if necessary.  So if you can't really buy into "I am a strong, powerful, independent woman" start with 'Today I grow stronger, more powerful and more independent."

Affirmation Examples

Affirmation for Abundance
Abundance is all around me.  I release all thoughts of lack, limitation and struggle and open myself to perceive and receive my fair share of all good things.  I am worthy of prosperity and know that my having deprives no one.  There is more than enough

Affirmation for the Relief of Addiction
I am enough.  There is no lack, no longing, no emptiness in me which enough love cannot fill.  I love myself, just the way I am.  I release all past regrets and resentments.  I forgive all past hurts and injustices.  Divine Love is all around Me and I am free

Affirmation for the Relief of Anxiety
I take a deep breath and focus on this powerful moment of NOW.  I know that Divine Wisdom within me guides me to right thoughts, right words, right actions.  I know that the powers of Strength, Understanding and Will are always available within me and I respond appropriately to all of Life's challenges and joys.  I am competent, compassionate and calm

Affirmation for the Relief of Depression
I am an active participant in the creation of my life experiences.  My beliefs, thoughts and words are creative.  I examine all my beliefs and discard those which belittle me.  I replace negative thoughts, and exercise my always-present power to choose.  I choose joy.  I choose enthusiasm  I choose love

Affirmation for Happiness
My happiness does not depend upon any person, place or thing.  I know that my happiness results from feeling appreciated, from being useful, from having a sense of purpose and direction, from being of service.  I create happiness in my life by spreading joy to others

Affirmations for Children
God loves me exactly the way I am.  I love myself exactly the way I am
I am kind and compassionate. When someone hurts me, I understand that they are hurting too, and do my best to send them love
I forgive myself when I make mistakes and understand that this is the way I learn
The love and understanding that I feel inside makes my outside beautiful
I use my imagination to discover exciting new ways to do things

Affirmations for Men
Masculine and feminine traits are perfectly balanced in me.  I am strong yet sensitive.  
I am wise, yet I listen. 
I am protective yet encouraging.
I am aware of, and use, my 12 powers - Faith, Strength, Wisdom, Love, Mastery, Imagination, Understanding, Will, Order, Zeal, Elimination and Life to meet all of life's challenges and opportunities.
I am inherently good and worthy of success, prosperity, happiness and Love.

Affirmations for Women
Feminine and masculine traits are perfectly balanced in me.  I am sensitive yet strong.
I listen and learn; yet I am already wise. 
I am nurturing and compassionate, yet independent and strong. 
I am aware of, and use, my 12 powers - Faith, Strength, Wisdom, Love, Mastery, Imagination, Understanding, Will, Order, Zeal, Elimination and Life to meet all of life's challenges and opportunities.
I am inherently good and worthy of success, prosperity, happiness and Love.