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 Greenfaith  Interfaith Circle




Regreening the Earth
an EARTH DAY event at Bowen Park

Join folks from a variety of Faith Traditions on Saturday, April 23 at 1:00 pm

There will be very short talks from each of the Faith Leaders present, who will explain how their faith tradition empowers them to care for the Earth.  Following each talk, the members of that tradition will present their plants and place them on the steps. Then we will all  partake in a short photo shoot and together work to replant an area that the City of Nanaimo has designated.

Plants will be native to the area and can be pre-ordered from Nanaimo Area Land Trust by clicking here.  For each $10, "ticket", one large or two small plants will be waiting for you at the park.

Bring a picnic or snack if you like.  Bring the children; a wonderful opportunity to educate them and involve them in caring for Mother Earth

Patricia Lane

How to Talk to Anyone About Climate Change
(as if it mattered to everyone)
A 4 week class January 10, 24 & 31 and February 7 

Conversations about climate change can be challenging. This course will give you all the tools you need, derived from experts in values research, storytelling and the latest communications evidence. This is not a course to learn the science of climate change and those who deny that climate change is real will not be comfortable in this class.  We will learn how to talk about climate change as if it mattered to everyone.

This course relies on participation from everyone. It covers separate concepts often taught in depth as week-long courses.  To ensure our experience in this course is meaningful, about an hour of preparation for each session enriches the group's experience. If you are planning to attend, please set aside an hour before each course to prepare. Materials will be sent well in advance of each session. Previous participants have found the preparation interesting and engageing and many have also done the additional optional work which provides for an even richer experience. 

PATRICIA LANE, retired lawyer, was the longest serving member of the Sierra Club Board and still serves in a variety of capacities. She has been studying effective climate communications since 2012 when she helped to found LeadNow. She has taught this course to environmental and citizens groups with very positive reviews and many requests for repeats. 

Peace Day Celebration 2021
Making Peace with the Earth
Saturday, September 18 at 2:00 PM
In the labyrinth at Bethlehem Retreat Centre


• Welcome and Land Acknowledgement – Leader

• Opening blessing and drumming by Tsumqwatun

• Haudenosaunee Thanksgiving Address Greetings to the Natural World

• The Flower that Shattered the Stone – sung by Laurel Circle

• Lament for Climate Change - responsive reading

• Silent prayer / meditation

• Reflection by Tsumqwatun

• Declaration of Interdependence 

• Somewhere to Begin - Sing-a-long by Laurel

• Go in Peace to love and care for our Earthly home.


Nanaim0 Greenfaith Circle busy along the E & N right-of-way, planting the 80+ trees that were donated as  part of the March 11 Global Day of Action,  On the right, our very own Ripley-Morris family hard at work.

Thank you Izabella and Emmett

Answering the Earth Day Challenge

Unity Vancouver Island member Judith Hewko is the first to answer the Green Faith challenge to pick up a bag of trash near your home and post it on the Green Faith Facebook page.  Judith says, "Yikes only took me 15 minutes to get a bag full of trash picked up near home., including the bag I found to put it all in in. Most it was individual snack food packages and wrappers and drink containers. I challenge everyone to just say no to pre-made grab-and-go individually packaged snack and junk food, and canned and bottled drinks."  Thank you for your leadership, Judith!


The Greenfaith Circle is a new group of Interfaith Leaders dedicated to action around the areas of environment, social justice and climate change.  Called into action by Julia Roberts, it currently includes members from the United and Anglican Churches, the Buddhist Community, Society of Friends (Quakers) Unitarian and Unity  Communities.  Leaders and members of all faith communities are invited to join us.  Nanaimo Greenfaith Circle is affiliated with the National organization, "Faith and the Common Good."

For information, contact Julia at

Follow us on facebook

Our first event was March 11, 2021, Global Day of Action.  Rather than protest, we chose to honour our forward-looking Mayor (Leonard Krog shown at top left) and council by presenting trees (75 native plants) to enhance their continuing reforestation efforts.

Romy Pritchard offered blessing & smudge
72 trees read for presentation
Meg and Barbara first to place trees
Romy making new friend
We were thrilled to have some children take part